I am blessed with many artistic friends. They are fellow writers, artists, musicians, gardeners, photographers, creative television types, fantastic cooks and in general... my kinda peeps. My friend Karla, besides being one of my most supportive and cherished friends, is also one of my more artistic friends. She paints phenomenal pictures with what looks like... very little effort. I no longer attend any art classes with her. The last time I did, the fish I painted while standing at an easel next hers, looked remarkably like a cartoon fish, while her trout was so life-like it was practically swimming upstream. When Karla and I get together we often spend time playing in the garden, baking, and of course, eating together.
I was invited last night for a lovely dinner with my friend and her family. It was a wonderful time as usual. After dinner, people sort of scattered and my dear friend and I were left alone. I, being somewhat weary, was happy to sit and nurse my cup of tea. Karla had different ideas. She gave me the choice of playing a game or... coloring Easter eggs. My lack of enthusiasm didn't seem to deter her at all. I quickly vetoed the game idea and thinking I could just stand back and watch the coloring of the eggs, I agreed that I would "help" her. Did I mention that I wasn't interested? I'm not sure of the last time I colored eggs, but it's been a few years. There are some things that we did with our children that seem to lose their appeal once the kids are grown and no longer interested in participating. One would think coloring eggs would fall into that category.
So then, what happens when you take two creative, artistic women in their ...ahem 40's... and give them some eggs and dye? They have a blast, that's what! Watching my friend draw on the eggs before dipping them in the bright colors was so inspiring... the next thing I knew... I was coloring Easter eggs.
By the time the other family members in the house wandered back into the kitchen, we were in full-on creative mode, and I was learning yet another lesson. That sometimes the things we don't want to do are the exact things that we need to be doing. Laughing and enjoying each others company as usual, we made yet another memory together... And I wouldn't have missed it for the world!